
We said goodbye to Remy after his 10-week battle with the bane of Golden Retrievers: cancer. Our beloved golden-eyed boy was happy almost until the end when we made the difficult decision to let him go. Our hearts are broken.

Big brother Goose has lost his shadow. Wroxy the cat has lost a luxurious tail to bat. But, we have lost one of the most gentle, unique souls to ever touch our lives.

Remy came to us only 2 1/2 years ago from Harlingen, rescued and transported to us by the dedicated volunteers of Golden Beginnings Golden Retriever Rescue. His former life as a street dog brought an uncanny ability to find food – whether it be stored high on a kitchen counter or just beyond the fence in our neighbor’s yard, where bread had been left for the birds. Our neighbors would call to report Remy had once again dropped by for a visit. How he managed to squeeze through a four-inch gap between wrought iron fence posts is a mystery that may never be solved.

Remy loved playing with his brother Goose (often stealing Goose’s tennis ball when he wasn’t looking), sitting up on his hind legs to say “hello,” or putting a gentle paw on your arm or leg to get your attention. On walks he would run over to Greg and nudge him until Greg rested his hand on his head, and on we’d go, with Remy glued to Greg’s hip and me holding his leash. Another of his favorite things happened after many of those walks, when Remy would make a beeline for the pool to take a quick, leisurely dip to cool off. We have a dedicated box for dog towels right by the back yard door. Remy was also a dedicated executive assistant as we worked from home during the quarantine and a strategic door-blocker who just wanted to be close to his people and his Golden brother.

Wherever Remy is, we like to think it’s a place where he’s been welcomed by our other four-legged family members who passed before him. I am sure Finlay, our first GBGRR Golden whom we also lost to cancer, was the first friend he met to take him over the Rainbow Bridge.

We miss you, Remy. We miss them all.

Remy Harper (1)

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